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Effects of Radiation

As part of its mandate, the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) handles complaints about potential risks of radiation effects of radio facilities on the health of citizens.

The ANRT deals with complaints received by its services, formulated by citizens, associations or trustees, about the possible health risks of electromagnetic radiation. It conducts the necessary assessments in the field on the basis of measurements of electromagnetic field levels according to a protocol defined in accordance with international best practices.
As a reminder, Morocco, inspired by the results of international studies, has set limit values for exposure to electromagnetic fields, aligned with the recommendations of the ICNIRP. These recommendations complement the WHO reports and show that there is no evidence that electromagnetic fields are harmful.
To date, and in view of the results obtained for a number of telecommunications base stations deployed in France, the ANRT has found that the levels of electromagnetic fields measured are well below the national reference values.