Other laws

Dahir n° 1.21.97 of 15 hijja 1442 (July 26th, 2021) promulgating the law no. 16.18 amending and supplementing the law no. 77.03 related to audiovisual communication (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-20-69 of 4 hijja 1441 (July 25th, 2020) promulgating the law no. 05-20 related to the cybersecurity (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-16-123 of 21 kaada 1437 (August 25th, 2016) promulgating the law no. 11-15 reorganizing the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-16-155 of 21 Kaada 1437 (August 25th, 2016) promulgating the law no. 66-16 amending and supplementing the law no. 77-03 related to audiovisual communication (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-15-123 of 18 Chaoual 1436 (August 4th, 2015) promulgating the law no. 96-14 amending and supplementing the law no. 77-03 related to audiovisual communication (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-14-116 of 2 Ramadan 1435 (June 30th, 2014) promulgating the law no. 104-12 on freedom of pricing and competition (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-11-03 of 14 rabii I 1432 (February 18th 2011) promulgating law n° 31-08 enacting measures to protect consumers (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-09-15 of 22 safar 1430 (February 18th 2009) promulgating law n° 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to processing personal data (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-07-129 of 19 kaada 1428 (November 30th 2007) promulgating law n° 53-05 on the electronic exchange of legal information (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)

Dahir n° 1-04-257 of 25 Kaâda 1425 (January 7th, 2005) promulgating the law no. 77-03 related to audiovisual communication (in french)