
Decision ANRT n° 07/03 of (25/12/2003) establishing the technical conditions of the use of radio installations consisting of low-power and short-range devices.

Decision ANRT n° 02/04 of (22/01/2004) amending the decision ANRT/DG/N° 2/2003 of March 17th 2003 setting technical specifications for the approval of terminal equipment and radio installations.

Decision n° 02-04 of 29 kaada 1424 (January 22nd 2004) amending decision n° 02/2003 of March 17th 2003 setting technical specifications for the approval of terminal equipment and radio installations.

Decision ANRT n° 08/03 of (25/12/2003) setting the installation conditions of radio public access points to RLAN

Decision ANRT n° 01/04 of 29 kaada 1424 (January 22nd 2004) on the use of GSM gateways

Decision ANRT n° 03/04 of (25/02/2004) related to the procedure of audit process regarding results, products and costs of public telecommunications network operators.

Decision ANRT n° 04/04 of (06/04/2004) on the status of IP telephony

Decision ANRT n° 05/03 of (12/11/2003) defining “mobile subscribers” in Morocco.

Decision ANRT n° 05/04 of (14/05/2004) establishing a classification of the costs of fixed network operators subject to the provisions of Title III of decree n° 2-97-1025 on the interconnection of telecommunications networks for 2005.

Decision ANRT n° 03/02 of (15/02/2002) establishing the technical conditions of the use of radio installations consisting of low-power and short-range devices.