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Mobile telephony matures and the Internet is becoming more widespread

ANRT publishes the results of its annual ICT indicators survey for households and individuals. This survey aims to pick up the level of equipment and use and to monitor the evolution of the market.

Read the press release (in French)



The 3rd edition of DNSSEC training

The ANRT organizes the 3rd edition of the DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) training at the INPT from 24th to 26th September 2018 in collaboration with ICANN and the General Directorate of Information Systems Security (DGSSI) ).



Revision of frequency fees

In application of the decisions taken by the Board of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency during the session of December 20, 2017, the fees for the assignment of frequencies for some radio services were reviewed.



The National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications became the School of Digital

The “Go Digital By INPT” initiative aims to meet the needs of the digital market and contribute to the development of the digital ecosystem in a dynamic of continuous transformation.

Read the press release (in French)



The National Plan of Frequencies updated

The new National Plan of Frequencies (PNF) was adopted and published in the Official Bulletin of the Kingdom of Morocco. Developed pursuant to Decree No. 2-16-800 of 28 September 2016, this plan constitutes a reference document, which specifies, for each frequency band, the radiocommunication services authorized at national level.



23rd meeting of the Permanent Arab Group on Spectrum of Frequencies Management

The Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) has organized its 23rd meeting in Marrakech from 07 to 11 April 2018.



Consultation for establishment and operating of the centralized database for the numbers portability

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) launches a consultation related to the establishment and the operating of the centralized database for the numbers portability.

Deadlines : May, 29th, 2018



The annual Observatory of “.ma” domain names

ANRT publishes the first annual observatory on “.ma” domain names. This annual observatory completes the quarterly dashboards published by the Agency and draws up the situation of “.ma” domain names by bringing out new indicators.



Growth of mobile and Internet subscriptions

In 2017, subscriptions, particularly in mobile networks, continued their growth. Internet park (fixed and mobile) settled in 22,2 millions at the end of 2017, with 30,1% annual increase and 63,67% penetration rate.

Read the presse release (in French)



11th meeting of the Management Committee of The Telecommunications Universal Service

The Management Committee of The Telecommunications Universal Service, held it 11th meeting on Wednesday 20th December 2017, under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Dr Saad Eddine El Otmani.

