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ANRT at the 11th Global Symposium for Regulators

ANRT participated in the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR), which held its 11th edition from September 20th to 23rd in Armenia, Colombia.



Management of the frequency spectrum: ANRT and ANFR renew their cooperation agreement

The joint committee between the National Frequency Agency (ANFR-France) and ANRT held its 7th annual meeting in late September in Paris. Both parties have renewed their cooperation agreement for another five-year period.



ANRT tenders on the public contracts portal

If you are interested in our tenders, you can now see them on both the ANRT website and the Moroccan public contacts portal (www.marchespublics.gov.ma) onwards from September 12th 2011.



Eighth meeting of the Management Committee of the universal telecommunications service

The Management Committee of the Universal Telecommunications Service (CGSUT) held its eighth meeting.

Participants focused on the progress made in the implementation of all projects, especially “PACTE”, “Génie”, and “Injaz”.



ANRT supports its Board of Directors

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency held its Board of Directors meeting on Monday, July 11th in Rabat.



Broadband: Morocco/South Korea exchange workshop

“Broadband and ultra-broadband access: Overview of international best practices” was the theme of the workshop held July 7th, 2011 in Rabat.

