As part of this component, the ANRT is in charge of :
- Developing and implementing action plans to control the commercialization of telecommunications equipment and value-added services providers;
- Carrying out the technical evaluation of terminal equipment and radio installations conformity ;
- Supervising the commercialization of terminal equipment and radio equipment (disputed advertisement, on reports, samples) ;
- Controlling value added service providers ;
- Cooperating with governments and governmental authorities to control the market for telecommunications equipment and the supervision of value-added service providers ;
- Supervising leased lines and facilities of telecommunications traffic diversion (IP installations) ;
- Drafting decisions governing the control of commercialization activity ;
- Supervising and participating in the regulation of encryption methods ;
- Defining and adapting the legal framework for the sites' control and management and the establishment of procedures for sharing sites and infrastructure ;
- Proposing technical solutions to issues and complaints logged by operators to the ANRT on the use of sites and infrastructure sharing in the context of the regulation in force ;
- Defining the terms of reference for the acquisition of test equipment required to supervise the commercialization activity ;
- Developing, adapting and updating the technical procedures for carrying out measurements for each equipment category.